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Our Services

Marketing Strategy

Sometimes, the hardest part of marketing your business or organization is knowing where to begin. There are so many platforms, tools, resources, ideas, etc. The options can be overwhelming for anyone, but they’re not for us. Why? Because this is what we do. We stay up to date on all the “best practices,” from changes in email marketing to new ephemeral content, in order to create a strategy that works for you. Your business is unique; we’ll make sure your marketing strategy is too.

Social Media Management

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. It gives you the ability to tap into new audiences, build online brand awareness, educate the public, promote your events, generate leads, and the list goes on. While that all sounds great in writing, social media marketing requires a lot of love and attention in order to be successful. That’s what we’re here for. We’ll make sure your social media presence remains consistent, on brand, and working effectively for your audience.

Website Development

Nowadays, it’s not enough to simply have a website. All businesses should if they plan to be successful. What really matters is the quality of your website. From a user-friendly interface and branded design to SEO implementation and gated content, there are several factors that go into making a quality site for your business. It takes a lot of strategy, patience, and skill. Luckily, we have all three of those (and then some).

Graphic Design

Do you have a logo for your business? How about branded graphics for social media and email marketing campaigns? Do you think the logo and graphics you do have accurately depict your business and services in a professional manner? If you answered “no” to any of these, it’s okay. You’re not alone! All you have to do is reach out to us, and we’ll provide the professional quality graphics you need to present your business professionally, creatively, and accurately on all platforms.

Video Production

The most effective digital marketing elements are visual, engaging, memorable, and worth sharing. No form of content embodies those components more than video. With the rise of TikTok and IGTV as well as the continued success of YouTube and Facebook Live, having a quality video presence is essential for not only being noticed but for converting that recognition into actual business, and our team can do it all from start to finish—concepting, scripting, shooting, editing, publishing.

Content Creation

In addition to professional quality graphics and videos, there are several other forms of content your business can be creating and distributing. Blog articles, online brochures, e-Newsletters, free downloads (like The Ultimate Emoji Cheat Sheet), branded photography, and so much more are all available to you when you work with Perry Productions. Not only can our talented team of creators produce the content, but we can also implement all of it strategically into your overall marketing plan.

Brand Identity

The world is full of businesses and organizations that all offer the same services. Branding is how you stand out in a sea of sameness while also clearly demonstrating your industry. It’s a fine line to walk in order to create the most effective identity. So, let us walk it for you. We’ll take the time to get to know you, your business, and the story you want to tell with your brand. From there, we’ll find the perfect balance of clarity and uniqueness to represent you—all the way down to the colors.

Data Analysis

Analytics are everything. They’re what tell you things that are or aren’t working within your marketing strategy. They help you adjust to better suit the needs of both your business and your audience. In order to best serve you as your marketing team, we offer a quarterly stat breakdown of your social media, email, and website analytics. The breakdown includes analytical data as well as our professional interpretation of that data.